Dienstag, 22. März 2011

#60 - The Beatles - Revolver *

This album fights with another one over the title "my favorite Beatles album", I'm sure I'll write about the other one, too. It's a creative kaleidoscope with songs so different in style and atmosphere, with sounds unheard of before and with ideas and structures new to the rock/pop world at the time. There's a dark and beautiful piece with a strings only instrumentation ("Eleanor rigby"), a song with the sitar as the main instrument ("Love you to), the first occurence of a reversed instrument ("I'm only sleeping"), a trippy song staying on one chord, but introducing strange sounds much ahead of this time ("Tomorrow never knows"), and besides all that, a number of wonderful ballads ("Here, there and everywhere"), pop ("Good day, sunshine") and rock ("She said, she said")songs and even a by now classic children song ("Yellow submarine"). This album has it all and it's very near perfect with only one song that doesn't give anything to me ("Dr. Robert").

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